Artist Profile: Bird Warde
March 26, 2024

Bird Warde is a queer illustrator from Maine with a passion for wildlife art. They spend their professional time running their shop Camp Mustelid and working on nature-based illustration projects. Outside of that they can be found pouring hours into birding and trekking nature trails.
Bird Warde
Where do you live?
Portland, Maine
Favorite bird?
Atlantic Puffin
What do you seek to communicate in your work?
I hope to make people appreciate and love the world around them. There are beautiful feats of nature everywhere if you’re looking.
How has nature been a source of inspiration for you?
Nature is truly my number one inspiration. It has always given me a sense of wonder and belonging. From the tallest mountain to the tiniest plant.
Tell us about your most memorable bird experience.
My and my partner were doing our first full hike around Jordan’s Pond in Acadia one summer evening, and as we were nearing the end of our hike we turned the corner to be greeted with two loons and their chicks, barely 4 feet from us. We had never been so clase to loons before, let along chicks. They were calm and enjoying the evening just like us. It’s a very fond memory for me!