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Artist Profile: Emily Lumsdaine


Emily Lumsdaine is a vegan tattooer, wildlife rehabilitator, and self-taught artist based in Seattle, WA. Endlessly inspired by nature, she has degrees in biology and avian sciences, and loves to draw flowers, fish and birds.

Meet Artist Lacy Martin


Emily Rose Lumsdaine

Where do you live?

Seattle, WA

Favorite bird?

Sand Hill Crane

What do you seek to communicate in your work?

I primarily am a tattoo artist, so my goal with my art is to help people feel at home in their bodies.

How has nature been a source of inspiration for you?

I think birds, flowers, and fish in particular have such beautiful structures. As a tattoo artist, I enjoy the process of translating this beauty to skin.

Tell us about your most memorable bird experience.

In 2013 I spent my summer costume raising Mississippi Sand Hill Cranes in a New Orleans Swamp.

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