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Artist Profile: Jeffrey Burke

OCTOBER 28, 2021

Jeffrey Burke is an illustrator and designer at Go Easy Co. He’s passionate about creating art that reflects the desert and all who call it home. He has lived in several states across the country from Florida to California, and has picked up inspiration from all the people and places in between. If he’s not drawing or caring for his houseplants, you can find him out hitting the trails with his partner and their dog, Boba.

Meet Artist Jeffrey Burke


Jeffrey Burke

Where do you live?

Phoenix, AZ

Favorite bird?

Common Raven

What do you seek to communicate in your work?

A sense of adventure, growth, and playfulness.

How has nature been a source of inspiration for you?

It is my main source. Colors, shapes, textures, character, it’s all there if you look for it.

Tell us about your most memorable bird experience.

A good friend and I worked at a garden shop in LA where we would intermittently take birding breaks as they visited the shop. She introduced me to birding, and how it can be accessible to everyone even in the heart of a city.

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