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Meet the HawkWatch Crew at Bonney Butte, OR

NOVEMBER 17, 2023

Meet the HawkWatch Crew at Bonney Butte, OR

NOVEMBER 17, 2023

The 29th season of long-term raptor monitoring at Bonney Butte just finished. Meet some of the team, whose hard work counting and banding raptors helps us understand raptor population trends. 

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Karl Garrett, Bonney Butte crew lead

This fall Karl returned as the crew lead on Bonney Butte—the hawk watch with the best view in the world! After graduating from Colorado State University with a Bachelor degree in wildlife biology, he’s traveled all over the west as a field ornithologist. He loves working with HawkWatch International because it gives him a chance to meet amazing people (and dogs) that he can share his love of birds with. When Karl isn’t being a professional bird nerd, he enjoys seeking out rare bird sightings, reading science fiction, making scale model airplanes, and playing a good round of disc golf.

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Gillian Martin

Gillian is a wildlife field technician originally from Indiana, where she earned a wildlife biology and conservation degree from Ball State University. Since graduating, she’s worked in numerous research positions, most recently for the Oregon Bureau of Land Management surveying for Northern Spotted Owls. She’s previously been a hawk counter at Tussey Mountain hawk watch and returned to Bonney Butte for her second season. When not doing fieldwork, Gillian spends time with her dog Irwin and enjoys road trips. One of her favorite raptors is the Harris’s Hawk due to its unique social behavior.

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Tim Baerwald

Tim is from Michigan and has an extensive background in avian fieldwork. He has worked on projects including raptor banding, waterbird counts, and shorebird nest surveys and banding. This was Tim’s second season counting with HawkWatch International.

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Jamie Russell

Jamie graduated from Indiana University in 2021 and started work for Mississippi State University as a field technician doing point count surveys of secretive marsh birds. This past summer, Jamie was a research assistant in Laos, working with Asian Elephants. This fall at Bonney Butte, he enjoyed seeing the northern birds he missed during his season at the Corpus Christi HawkWatch: the American Goshawk and Rough-legged Hawk. Jaime’s favorite raptor is the Mississippi Kite.

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Anna Lemon

This was Anna’s first experience as a seasonal hawk counter. She has two seasons of experience working with Northern Spotted Owls, which have subsequently earned their place as her favorite raptor. For fun, Anna spends her weekends birding and exploring the outdoors.

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All photos courtesy of HawkWatch International.

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