Stop Plastics and Litter Along Shorelines
July 8, 2021

We’re teaming up with the American Bird Conservancy (ABC) on a new collection that sends a message to all beachgoers out there: Don’t be trashy!
Coastal areas are increasingly threatened by trash, which spells trouble for beach-nesting birds like American Oystercatchers, Wilson’s and Snowy Plovers, Black Skimmers and Least Terns. On the Gulf Coast, ABC is leading a new effort called Stopping Plastics and Litter Along Shorelines, or SPLASh, focused on the greater Houston-Galveston area of Texas – the most littered stretch of shoreline along the Gulf.
We’re teaming up with the American Bird Conservancy (ABC) on a new collection that sends a message to all beachgoers out there: Don’t be trashy!

Coastal areas are increasingly threatened by trash, which spells trouble for beach-nesting birds like American Oystercatchers, Wilson’s and Snowy Plovers, Black Skimmers and Least Terns. On the Gulf Coast, ABC is leading a new effort called Stopping Plastics and Litter Along Shorelines, or SPLASh, focused on the greater Houston-Galveston area of Texas – the most littered stretch of shoreline along the Gulf.
ABC, in partnership with Gulf Coast Bird Observatory and Black Cat GIS, is leading a coordinated education and outreach campaign to engage beachgoers, local communities, and natural resource managers whose coastal lands and areas are impacted by trash and plastic pollution. They’re doing coastal clean-ups, attending and coordinating community events, developing curriculum and other educational materials for schools and classrooms, and working with those managers to identify and address the most littered areas.
We’re excited to support their efforts and spread the word with our brand-new SPLASh apparel, from which we’ll donate 20% of the profits to ABC.